9292 AI Lab (English version)

Pitch your AI idea

Available data & API's | Terms and conditions 9292 AI Lab | Rewards 9292 AI Lab | Pitch your AI idea


You can pitch your AI idea for the 9292 AI Lab that will help public transport users further. For inspiration, some suggestions on what you might think about:

1. Predictive Analysis: AI can be used to analyse patterns in public transport data. For example, crowds, disruptions, delays or the quality of travel advice.

2. Personalisation: Providing users with personalised travel experiences based on preferences, behaviour, history.

3. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: AI can be used to create an interactive interface for travellers. Users can ask questions about travel times, (alternative) routes and disruptions on their route.

4. Speech/image recognition and Processing: AI can be used to improve the experience in the 9292 app or website. For travellers with limited mobility or people who otherwise have difficulty typing or navigating on a screen, these features can be a godsend.

Other ideas are of course welcome too!

Pitch form

We have created a special pitch form you can use to submit your AI idea. Before filling in the pitch form, please read carefully the page with information about the available data & APIs and 9292's conditions for participating in the 9292 AI Lab.  

Planning 9292 AI Lab

Questions asked on the pitch form:

• Personal (contact) details
• College/university
• Agreement with ground rules
• What is your AI idea?
• Supplies (which 9292 data and APIs do you need)
• How will you make sure the data remains secure?
• How will this idea fit with current ethics. How will you make sure your idea is also future-proof?
• What can 9292 do with this idea?
• Commitment if you are among the five winning ideas. We will then ask you to build a prototype in October/November and submit the working prototype the latest by November 29th.
• If your idea eventually becomes the winning prototype, are you willing to further develop it into a product or service with 9292?

The submission period has expired. To all teams/participants who submitted their ideas: many thanks! The teams/participants selected for building a prototype are notified by email.