In the city


Public transport in and around Amsterdam

Public transport in and around Amsterdam is well aligned. Arriving at the beautiful Amsterdam Central station, it’s easy to continue your trip by bus, tram, metro or ferry.

Discover Amsterdam and surroundings

Amsterdam is high on the list of places to visit in the world. By using public transport it’s easy to travel through this beautiful city and its surroundings.

Grachten in Amsterdam

How do I purchase e-tickets in the 9292 app?

Plan your trip as usual in the 9292 app. The best travel options will immediately be displayed on your screen. Compare travel options, select the best one and purchase your e-ticket instantly by clicking "Purchase e-tickets" below the travel advice in your app.In the next screens, select the number of people and the section of your route that you need a ticket for.

After filling in the details for yourself and any fellow travellers, you can proceed to payment.


You can also pay for your journey by OV-chipkaart. We advice tourists to use an anonymous OV-chipkaart, which can be purchased for € 7.50 from any station, from any kiosk at a station, and from many supermarkets. You can then use the card immediately.


Images: Amsterdam Marketing Geert Snoeijer/Edwin van Eis