Are you looking for the right travel subsription? Use our 'OV Prijswijzer'! Find your trip in our Public Transport Trip Planner and click 'Show subscription information'. Enter your age and how often you travel. The 'OV Prijswijzer' will then calculate the most advantageous subsription for you. If the 'OV Prijswijzer' is unable to answer your question, check the pages with information on other public transport companies for your trip.
To check the possible tickets for public transport request a travel advice in our journeyplanner, click on 'Show discounts and details' located under the travel advice, click on 'View all prices (Dutch)'.
It's also possible to purchase tickets for the public transport in the Netherlands in the free 9292 app. If you want to know more, visit this page.
Don't have an OV-chipkaart? Or perhaps you'd find it handy to have the ticket for your entire journey in one app? Purchase your ticket using the 9292 app.We're pleased to explain how to do this and tell you which public transport companies are included.
The OV-chipkaart is the payment method for public transport in the Netherlands. You can charge an amount of money or a travel product on your OV-chipkaart.
There are several public transport companies in the Netherlands. We have made an overview of the addresses and phonenumbers.