E-tickets for the Arriva night train in the 9292 app
Would you like to go out on a Friday night in another city? Or do you have to be at the airport in the middle of the night? From now on, you can also buy e-tickets for Arriva night trains in the 9292 app.
Travel to or from Schiphol from Maastricht and Groningen
hese trains operate once a week, departing on Friday night towards Amsterdam Centraal from Maastricht and Groningen. On Saturday morning, the trains also travel from Amsterdam Central back to Groningen and Maastricht. The train stops at Schiphol station, and in intermediate cities such as Assen, Lelystad, Almere, Sittard, Eindhoven, and Utrecht.
You can only pay and travel with an e-ticket, which automatically reserves your seat on the train. Depending on the distance, a ticket for this Arriva Night Train costs €5, €10, or €15 (excluding service fees).
Below, you will find instructions on how to purchase an e-ticket.
How to purchase an e-ticket for the night train
You must have an e-ticket to travel on the Arriva night train. It is not possible to pay for this journey by checking in with your debit card or OV-chipkaart.
Below, you will find instructions on how to purchase an e-ticket using the 9292 app.
You can purchase an e-ticket in 3 simple steps:
Plan your journey in the 9292 app by entering your start and end point.
Tap on your preferred travel advice out of the options given in the app. Then, tap on 'Buy e-tickets'.
Follow the steps on the screen.
Have you paid? You can find your e-ticket(s) under 'My e-tickets' in the menu on the top left of the home screen.
Please note – Are you planning your journey on the night train using the 9292 journey planner? The travel advice will indicate "reservation required." Booking your seat on the night train is done by purchasing an e-ticket.