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How can we help you? Find the answer to your question here or contact us.

Frequently asked questions

Find the answer to your question here or contact us.

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We're here to help daily.
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Follow us and stay informed about construction work, disruptions, and discount promotions.
Chat with us, or follow us on X (formerly Twitter).

Send an e-mail

Don't have a social media account? Email your comment or problem to reizigers@9292.nl.

Have a question about e-tickets in the 9292 app? Send an email to ticketing@9292.nl.

Call us

0900 - 9292

  • Monday to Friday: 07:30 – 19:00 hrs

  • Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays: 09:00 – 18:00 hrs

The call charges are €1 per minute with a maximum of €20 per call. Please note that after 20 minutes, the call will be automatically disconnected.

Our headquarters

REISinformatiegroep B.V.
Arthur van Schendelstraat 650
3511 MJ Utrecht

Plan your journey to our office.