How does the season ticket guide work?
The season ticket guide is a useful tool to find out which season ticket is most suitable for you. We give you tips on how to use the guide and answer frequently asked questions.
Find the most suitable season tickets for you by following the steps below
Go to the season ticket guide.
Select the filters that apply to your situation (see the tip below).
Tap on a season ticket to read more information about it.
Determine which season ticket is most applicable for you.
Have you found a season ticket that you would like to purchase? You can read where to purchase the season ticket on each individual season ticket page (by clicking on a season ticket in the overview).
Are you not sure which season ticket is best for you after looking at the season ticket guide? You can call one of our travel advisors on 0900-9292 (€1 p/m, max. €20). They provide you with a personal advice.
Tip - The first three filters ('Type of transport', 'Age', and 'Region/travel area') will help you a long way.
Are you not sure what mode of transport, or which operator you travel with the most? Plan a journey for which you need the season ticket on or in the 9292 app. This way, you find all the information you need, such as which operator you travel with the most.
Frequently asked questions about the season ticket guide
The season ticket guide offers filters for easy searching based on your situation. It is not necessary to fill in all of the available filters. You can choose to fill in the filters that are most important to you.
The available filters are:
Mode of transport - Check the boxes based on which mode(s) of transport you use.
Age - Some season tickets are for a specific age, such as children or seniors. Therefore, it is useful to indicate your age category to find a suitable season ticket for you.
Region/travel area - Do you travel throughout the Netherlands, in a specific province, or in a specific city? Check the boxes based on your travel habits. This filter can make a big difference in the type of season ticket.
Type of season ticket - Do you want a season ticket with which you always travel for free, or one for a discount during off-peak hours? Check the box in this filter if you already know what you want.
Per month or year - Do you want a season ticket for a month or a year? You may have a preference, which you can indicate in this filter.
The season ticket is on - Would you like to check in and out with your OV-chipkaart, OVpay (debit card), or would you like to travel on account? You may have a preference, which you can indicate in this filter.
Operators - Do you now which operator(s) you travel with the most? Check the box(es) to see season tickets most applicable for you.
Please note – A season ticket is not always more affordable than travelling on balance. See the frequently asked question "Is a season ticket always the most affordable option?" and calculate the cost based on your travel habits.
No. A season ticket is not always the most affordable option, and often depends on your travel frequency. Do you not travel often (enough) on public transport? Then, it is better to travel on account, with an e-ticket, or by checking in and out with your OV-chipkaart or OVpay.
We explain how to calculate your cost below.
1. How much does your trip cost without a season ticket?
First, calculate how much money you spend per month on public transport, without a season ticket or discount. You can do this in different ways:
A. The average cost of the past months
Will you travel a similar amount with the same operators in the coming period? Then, calculate the average cost based on your past trips. Get access to your travel history on the website of OV-chipkaart or OVpay.
Pay attention to:
Which operators you have frequently travelled with.
If you travel mainly during off-peak hours or during peak hours*
The average cost of your public transport trips per month.
* Peak and off-peak hours differ per operator. Check the website of an operator you travel with to see the exact times.
B. Calculate the expected costs
Do you often travel the same route? Then, calculate the average cost per month.
Plan your journey on or in the 9292 app.
The price of each trip is displayed at the bottom of a travel advice. Multiply the amount by 2 to know the total cost per day (round trip).
Multiply the cost per day by the number of times you make the trip per month.
Calculation example Yara
Yara works at the Luxor Theatre in Rotterdam and travels there 10 times a month for her work. In the morning, she cycles to Utrecht Centraal and takes a train to Rotterdam Centraal. There she transfers to the metro. Yara travels during peak hours.
Cost for the entire journey (train + metro): €14.50 one way (= €29 per day).
Cost for the train: €12.90 one way (= €25.80 per day).
Cost for the metro: €1.60 one way (= €3.20 per day).
Yara travels to work 10 times a month, so per month she spends the following on her journeys with public transport (without a season ticket):
Full cost: €290
Cost for the train: €258
Cost for the metro: €32
2. Find a season ticket that suits your entire journey
Which season ticket suits your travel habits? This depends on various factors, such as;
Time or day - Do you frequently travel on weekdays or during the weekend? Do you travel during off-peak or peak hours?
Mode of transport - What mode of transport do you use the most? Train, bus, tram, metro, or ferry?
Calculation example Yara
Yara mainly travels by train and a short distance by metro. She travels during peak hours.
There is no season ticket that combines both train and metro. So, Yara researches possibilities for both the train and the metro.
Train - In the season ticket guide, Yara uses the following filters:
Mode of transport - Train
Age - Adult
Region/travel area - Netherlands
Yara travels during peak hours, which means the following season tickets suit her best:
NS Flex Altijd Voordeel
NS Flex Altijd Vrij
NS Flex Traject Vrij
Metro - In the season ticket guide, Yara uses the following filters:
Mode of transport - Metro
Age - Adult
Region/travel area - Rotterdam region
Yara travels during peak hours, which means the following season tickets suit her best:
Regio Maandabonnement (Randstad Zuid)
RET Maandkorting 20%
RET Maandkorting 40%
3. Calculate the cost of the season ticket
Calculate how much each season ticket will cost you. The cost may depend on your route, and may need further research.
If you get a discount with a season ticket, also calculate how much money you save per month.
Calculation example Yara
Yara travels by train between Utrecht Centraal and Rotterdam Centraal, and she travels by metro between Rotterdam Centraal and metro station Wilheminaplein.
The cost per train season tickets:
NS Flex Altijd Voordeel – €28.50 per month. You travel with a 20% discount during peak hours. Yara pays €258 per month for her journeys by train. If the 20% discount of this season ticket is deducted from that, Yara pays €206.40 per month. The total cost for her journeys by train with this season ticket is €234.90 per month (€28.50 + €206.40).
NS Flex Altijd Vrij – €375.70 per month. With this season ticket, Yara always travels for free on trains in the Netherlands.
NS Flex Traject Vrij – Yara looks up the cost of the route between Utrecht Centraal and Rotterdam Centraal on the NS website. The monthly cost of this route in combination with the season ticket is €304.50. Then, Yara travels for free by train between Utrecht Centraal and Rotterdam Centraal.
The cost per metro season tickets:
Regio Maandabonnement (Randstad Zuid) – This season ticket works with star zones. The metro stops (Rotterdam Centraal and Wilheminaplein) are in the same zone area (Rotterdam Centre). Therefore, she needs a season ticket with 1 star value to travel between those stops for free. This costs €61 per month.
RET Maandkorting 20% – €7.90 per month. Yara pays €32 per month for her metro journeys. If the 20% discount of this season ticket is deducted from that, Yara pays €25.60 per month. The total cost for her journeys by metro with this season ticket is €33.50 per month (€7.90 + €25.60).
RET Maandkorting 40% – €28.70 per month. Yara pays €32 per month for her metro journeys. If the 40% discount of this season ticket is deducted from that, Yara pays €19.20 per month. The total cost for her journeys by metro with this season ticket is €47.90 per month (€28.70 + €19.20).
4. Compare the cost of a season ticket with the cost of a journey without a season ticket
Is a season ticket the most affordable option? Find out by comparing the cost of a season ticket with the cost of a journey without a season ticket. If the cost of a season ticket is higher, then it is more affordable to travel without a season ticket.
Some season tickets have different prices for certain age groups. Children, students, and seniors (65+) often get an additional discount on top of a season ticket.
Calculation example Yara
In the previous sections, the prices below were calculated.
The cost per month by train without a season ticket: €258.
NS Flex Altijd Voordeel – €234.90 per month. This season ticket is more affordable than travelling without a season ticket.
NS Flex Altijd Vrij – €375.70 per month. This is more expensive than travelling without a season ticket. Yara does not purchase this season ticket.
NS Flex Traject Vrij – €304.50 per month. This is more expensive than travelling without a season ticket. Yara does not purchase this season ticket.
The cost per month by metro without a season ticket: €32.
Regio Maandabonnement (Randstad Zuid) – €61 per month. This is more expensive than travelling without a season ticket. Yara does not purchase this season ticket.
RET Maandkorting 20% – €33.50 per month. This is more expensive than travelling without a season ticket. Yara does not purchase this season ticket.
RET Maandkorting 40% – €47.90 per month. This is more expensive than travelling without a season ticket. Yara does not purchase this season ticket.
It is more affordable for Yara to travel without a season ticket on the metro. However, Yara would pay less if she purchased the season ticket 'NS Flex Altijd Voordeel' for her train journeys. The cost of this season ticket are lower than her regular expenses. In addition, the season ticket also applies on other journeys, and not only for her work route.
Please note: The above calculations and prices are examples. No rights can be obtained from the above information.
The season ticket guide filters make it easier to see which season tickets suit your travel habits.
You select a filter by checking the box that applies to you. Once you select a filter, a check mark will appear. This way, you can see which filters are on. Do you want to turn a filter off again? Click on the check mark to deselect a filter.
It is not necessary to fill in all of the available filters. You can choose to fill in the filters that are most important to you.