

Travelling with a disability

Travelling with a disability may be confusing. We have created an overview of all practical information on travelling with a disability. If you are looking to travel by train, this page will tell you how to do so best.

Train accessibility If you want to travel by train, but you have a physical or visual impairment, you can find more information on:

Station accessibility

When you click a station name in travel advice, you navigate to the page of that station. This page shows the current departure times and a map of the area. When you scroll down, you will see the address, opening hours of the NS service and sales points, and the general facilities. The page also shows information on travellers with a disability, such as lift availability. You can also request assistance for train travel: this type of assistance is provided for all trains, including trains not operated by NS. This is an example of a station page: https://9292.nl/station-utrecht-centraal (in Dutch)

Requesting assistance for boarding and leaving

If independent travel is difficult for you, you can request assistance with NS. They will help you board, transfer and leave trains and guide you through the station. Even if you travel with another train operator in the Netherlands, you can ask NS for assistance. Other train companies in the Netherlands include Arriva, Connexxion and Breng. to request assistance, create an account with NS. Here you can plan your trip and indicate which types of aid you would like to use, booking assistance for the station. You can also call +31 30 23 57 822.

Travelling with guide dogs or a dog of 'Stichting Hulphond'

A guide dog or a dog of Stichting Hulphond can travel with you on trains for free.

Travelling with a wheelchair

You can travel by train with a wheelchair. The wheelchair should meet the size limitations: no bigger than 150 cm long, 70 cm wide and 137.5 cm high (including user and luggage). You and your wheelchair together cannot weigh more than 250 kg. Wheelchairs with a combustion engine are not allowed on trains due to safety concerns.

Travelling with a motorised scooter

You can board the train with your motorised scooter when you have booked your trip with an NS Service Centre (+31 30 23 57 822) or online. The motorised scooter can be no bigger than 150 cm long and 75 cm wide. You should be able to board the train with your motorised scooter yourself.

Travelling with a tricycle

If you use a WMO tricycle for the elderly, you do not need a Special Permit. You can bring your tricycle for free, just like a wheelchair. The tricycle, including luggage, cannot be bigger than 150 cm long and 70 cm wide.

Travelling with a visual impairment

All gates and pillars for checking in and out with the public transport chip card have a braille icon so you always know where you are. If you want, you can request assistance for boarding and leaving the train. To request assistance, you can book assistance for a station. You can call +31 30 23 57 822. The employee will discuss your journey with you and you will agree on a meeting point. When you arrive at the station, an employee will then be ready to receive you.