Clients can request planned line and journey data
An overview of published timetables
View current vehicle positions

All information about the timetable
Do you want to know the available services of a specific operator? Or which journeys are made by a line on a certain day? Or where and when a certain journey stops and whether this will change in the near future? The 9292 Dienstregeling API allows you to request all of the above (and more) information.
Contact usCheck the timetable
The 9292 Dienstregeling API can be used to request timetable data from public transport operators throughout the Netherlands. It is possible to request based on all lines of a single operator, but also on a more detailed level. For example, for a journey that passes a specific stop, or travels at a specific time. The API can be used on a website and in apps that want to offer this information to users directly, or in addition to other travel information.

What can the user request?
Request journeys – Every journey in the timetable can be requested.
Current information – The information is supplemented with current departure times and stop status (cancelled, departured, etc.), if provided, for the next 3 days (from today to the day after tomorrow).
'Journeys' function – Use the 'Journeys' function to retrieve all trips for a specific line on a chosen day. This feature provides a comprehensive overview, including departure times and the exact times the line stops at each station or stop throughout the day.