I missed my check-in or check-out
Did you forget to check out? Then the system cannot calculate the correct price of your journey. Therefore, a standard amount will be debited. For the train, this amount is €20, and for all other modes of transport it is €4. You can claim this money back.
Forgotten to check out with an OV-chipkaart?
Go to Uitcheckgemist.nl
Fill in your details on the first screen.
Enter which station or stop you boarded and exited at.
The website calculates what the journey cost. Did you pay too much? Then you will get the amount refunded to your account.
Do you have an NS Flex season ticket? Or an NS business card? Then request a refund for your journey from NS using this form. Do you want to claim money back for a journey with another operator? You can do this via Uitcheckgemist.
Maximum number of claims
For claiming money back, the year is divided into two terms: January to June, and July to December. You can reclaim the balance for up to three journeys per operator per term. So that is a maximum of six journeys per operator per calendar year.
For travels with NS, you can correct a maximum of three forgotten check-outs in one calendar year.
Forgotten to check out with OVpay?
Missed check-out with OVpay? Then ask for your money back via OVpay.nl/en.
Forgot to check in?
Did you forget to check in? In this case, make sure you have a valid e-ticket as soon as possible. That way, you avoid being fined. Are you still on the platform? Then quickly check in with your OV-chipkaart or OVpay. If you are already on the bus or tram, you can also check in quickly during the journey using a card reader.