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9292 Vertrektijden API Current departure times for stops and stations
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Static and current departure information for all stops and stations in the Netherlands

Different public transport vehicles: bus, train, metro, tram, or ferry

Implement on your own website or app

Choose how you use the API

The 9292 Vertrektijden API provides (current) information about stops and stations. This includes crowd expectation, delays, and (changes in) the planned timetable.

Your user can use the 9292 Vertrektijden API in two ways:

  1. Search for stops and stations based on location or search terms.

  2. Request departure information from found and selected stops and stations.

vrouw bij waterbus
vrouw bij waterbus

Options of the 9292 Vertrektijden API

  • Disruptions - Planned and unplanned disruptions are displayed for a stop or station. This can include delays, cancellations, or changes (in route).

  • Flexible transport - In addition to information about public transport, information about flexible transport (such as transport on request) can also be displayed at a stop or station.

  • Own app or website - The 9292 Vertrektijden API is suitable for displaying (regional) information about public transport in an app or on a website.

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